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Published by ELSEVIER:
The book shows in a practical way everything that doctors have to pay attention to in the treatment of chronic wounds. The focus is on what is really important in practice and what clinical evidence there is in each case. Many colour illustrations show you representative cases from everyday clinical practice and ensure maximum understanding.
The book is suitable for use in the seminar "Medical Wound Expert ICW".
The renowned editors and authors from the Chronic Wound Initiative (ICW) share their expert knowledge and show you what is important.
Publisher: Chronic Wound Initiative
Prof. Dr. med. Joachim Dissemond (specialist in dermatology and venereology - senior physician and head of the certified dermatological wound outpatient clinic, Essen University Hospital), board member of the Chronic Wounds Initiative
Prof. Dr. med. Knut Kröger (Specialist in Internal Medicine - Director at the Clinic for Vascular Medicine of the Helios Klinikum Krefeld), Board Member of the Chronic Wounds Initiative
From the contents:
Basics and pathophysiology of wound healing / Wounds in diabetes, CVI, pAVK, decubitus ulcers, burns, etc. /Factors that inhibit wound healing / Promotion of wound healing / Pain therapy / Prevention and prophylaxis of recurrence / Living with wounds / Wound management and documentation.
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